May 5, 2010 Silver Lake Jubilee!

The Silver Lake Jubilee is a two-day music and arts festival held in Silver Lake. Los Angeles, known for its lethargic freeways, smog and innumerable number of cars, happens to also be a city that values its green spaces, …

February 8, 2010 FRUIT TREE Foster Parents – Please send pics!

Dear Fruit Tree Foster Parents,

We’re writing you to ask for updates on the fruit tree you adopted last Saturday or Sunday at the Watts Towers Arts Center or LACMA.  We’d love to have any news on your tree, …

February 1, 2010 Vote For US! eatLACMA-

GOOD IDEA-Pepsi Refresh Project
Inspire community-building through food, art & culture with EAT LACMA.
Pepsi is giving away $1,300,000 each month to fund great ideas!
vote for Fallen Fruit here: