The Silver Lake Jubilee is a two-day music and arts festival held in Silver Lake. Los Angeles, known for its lethargic freeways, smog and innumerable number of cars, happens to also be a city that values its green spaces, sustainability and environmental responsibility. As a first annual music and arts festival, Silver Lake Jubilee aims to continue the progression of Los Angeles as an eco-friendly city by implementing environmentally responsible initiatives before and during the festival.

No plastic water bottles
No single-use plastic bags, Styrofoam or other non-recyclable containers at festival
The festival aims to source power from alternative energy sources.Bring your own cups, reusable bags and a blank t-shirt to get a special Silver Lake Jubilee screen-printed T-shirt during the festival. A free bike valet will be available. Ride the Metro.

EVENT DATES: May 22 & 23, 2010
LOCATION: Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles

EVENT DATES: May 22 & 23 2010
(between Santa Monica & Fountain Ave. in the
Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles)