Public Fruit Jam
Fallen Fruit invites the public to bring homegrown or street-picked fruit and collaborate with us in making a collective fruit jams. Working without recipes, we ask people to sit with others they do not already know and negotiate what kind of jam to make: if I have lemons and you have figs, we’d make lemon fig jam (with lavender). Each jam is a social experiment. Usually held in a gallery or museum, this event forefronts the social and public nature of Fallen Fruit’s work, and we consider it a collaboration with the public as well as each other.
Urban Fruit Action
Urban Fruit Action, giclee print, 40” x 60”, 2005
One image of a series of public service-like announcements designed for Fair Exchange at The Los Angeles County Fair, a large exhibition of work based on the space of the city and the new artists, collectives and activists working on issues of urbanism, social justice and the environment. Urban Fruit Action encourages the planting of fruit trees in urban neighborhoods as a way to create a new culture of shared resources and engaged participation.