For their 10th Anniversary, Oficina de Proyectos Culturales has produced a limited-edition raicilla from Cabo Corrientes with artists who have previously exhibited at OPC : Brewster Brockmann ; Austin Young and David Allen Burns of Fallen Fruit; Marcos Ramirez ERRE; and Javier Rodríguez.
Each signed edition bottle is for sale and proceeds support Oficina de Proyectos Culturales his project is made with master raicilleros, Guadalupe García, Adrián Rodríguez, and Saúl Joya, from the Hildegardo Joya “Japo” tradition who produce Atarraya Raicilla Red De Espíritus De La Costa and Eterno Embrujo Raicilla
OPC, Juarez 598, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Inquire if you want a bottle!
📸bottle credits:
1-Austin Young and David Burns / Fallen Fruit
Raicilla de los angelitos, 2024
Edición especial limitada de 20 botellas
2-Javier M. Rodríguez
I Can, 2024
I Will, 2024
Edición especial limitada de 20 botellas
3-Brewster Brockman
Raicilla de la costa, 2024
Edición especial limitada de 20 botellas
4-Marcos Ramírez ERRE
Racicilla, Paisilla, 2024
Edición especial limitada de 20 botellas
Raicilla de la costa:
Por Guadalupe García, Adrián Rodríguez, o Saúl Joya, from the Hildegardo Joya “Japo” tradition
Thanks OPC and Ruben Ortiz Pilar Perez for including us!