Fallen Fruit Magazine: San Bernardino Edition

DOWNLOAD Fallen Fruit Magazine, San Bernardino Edition, HERE
The zine workshops will result in the creation of a Fallen Fruit San Bernardino Magazine, celebrating our countywide community! Printmaker David Burns and Austin Young of Fallen Fruit along with guest artist Uncle Bacon (a.k.a. Bob Hurton) and Inlandia Poet Laureate, Nikia Chaney help guide participants through collage, illustrations and short written text. The final document is an electronic PDF available free for download.
See more about San Bernardino projects HERE
The Endless Orchard events included a public fruit tree adoption at the Feldheym Library, and a “plant the perimeter” event at the Garcia Center for the Arts. What if instead of going to the grocery store for an apple, you just walked outside your door? Fallen Fruit helps the community to create a real living fruit orchard planted by the public, for the public – a movement of citizens transforming their own neighborhoods. Neighbors adopt fruit trees and plant them next to the sidewalk to share with the community. Participants sign an adoption form, agreeing to care for and share the fruit tree. Trees are mapped on the San Bernardino Endless Orchard Map- where anyone can map, plant and share fruit. The anchor of this map will be 12 trees planted on the grounds of the Garcia Center for the Arts.