
Join us on Saturday, November 9th  at Ojai Art Festival! !

Ojai Mulberry Rye is the latest Neighborhood Infusions created by Fallen Fruit in collaboration with Ojai Beverage Company for OAF 2013. The Porch Gallery is the location for the public participatory performance hosted by David Burns and Austin Young of Fallen Fruit in which tastes of local mulberry infused rye are served to the public also with social prompts that question childhood memories and emotional connections to fruit. An ongoing project by Fallen Fruit in which local fruit is infused into a distilled spirit and name it for the surrounding neighborhood. One of the questions  that interests us in thinking about local places is to determine what the essence of that neighborhood is, to think about its unique qualities connect community. The question Neighborhood Infusions asks is tinged with a bit of irony: can you capture the essence of a place in a bottle? It is served by docents (rather than bartenders) who take time to interpret the work for those interested in consuming it.

