A Tribute Gift is a special gift you can make in honor of another person. These gifts are meaningful ways to commemorate a special occasion or honor or memorialize an individual(s). Making a Tribute Gift is also a wonderful way to help support Fallen Fruit in working towards its mission to promote life long learning thorough community art collaboration projects around the world, and gifts are 100% tax deductible.

When you make a Tribute Gift, Fallen Fruit will send a note to the individual being honored—or to the family of those memorialized—informing them of the gift and the identity of the donor. The amount of the gift is kept confidential. You will receive an IRS tax letter confirming your gift.

Please email the following information after you have made your tribute gift to: info @ fallenfruit.org

Your Name:





This gift is in honor of:

Please send a notification card (excluding dollar amount) acknowledging a donation to:



Your contributions help ensure that Fallen Fruit continues to thrive as a dynamic cultural artistic collaboration to strengthen communities

del aire public fruit park

Fallen Fruit is a project of and fiscally sponsored by the Pasadena Arts Council’s EMERGE Program. This means Pasadena Arts Council provides their non-profit status as a 501(c)(3) so your charitable contribution to Fallen Fruit’s is 100% tax-deductible.