A Fallen Fruit Project sponsored by
MRCA and the Office of Supervisor
Mark Ridley-Thomas.

Join us!!  On Saturday, February 7th from 12pm to 2pm at Rueben Ingold Park at 4500 Mt. Vernon Drive for a Public Fruit Tree Adoption and blessing of the Park-To-Playa Trailheads.  There is no charge and anyone can adopt a fruit tree and plant it as a symbol of abundance and generosity for the community.  There are over 100 fruit trees available and are available on a first-come basis.

This project is about celebrating public space & community resources.  These fruit trees are for sharing; by planting your adopted fruit tree in a public location or on the edge of private property and sidewalks or alleyways, organic fresh fruit will become available to the community for generations to come. Share your fruit and change the world!  become part of the “Urban Fruit Trails and Endless Orchard”

Post pictures of your new tree’s growth, blossoms, fruit, harvest and friends.  Send them to us: info @ . Use #FallenFruit   #PublicFruitTreeAdoption  #urbanfruittrails and #ParkToPlaya to be a part of the project online.

Type of fruit trees for this event include:

Apple, Apricot, Aprium, Fig, Nectarine, Pomegranate,

Peach, Plum, Pluot and Persimmon.

RSVP by email to: info at

with the subject line “Fruit Tree”

For more information on Park To Playa visit here


The Park to Playa Trail will be a 13 mile trail network connecting the Baldwin Hills Parklands to the Pacific Ocean. Efforts are underway to create a seamless pedestrian and bike connection starting with the Stocker Corridor on the east, connecting to Ruben Ingold Park, Norman O. Houston Park, Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area, and the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook, among other destinations. The Stocker Corridor segment of the project will include an Urban Fruit Trailhead that will offer seasonal public fruit. Construction is expected to begin on this segment of the trail in February. When complete, the Park to Playa Trail will be Los Angeles County’s first urban regional trail.

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